Stripped Christmas Basic Bouquet

    Stripped Christmas Basic Bouquet


    The Stripped Christmas Basic Bouquet includes (2) Merry Christmas heart foil balloons, and (3) latex  on a red anchor weight.


    1. This design is Helium-Filled and will float.
    2. This design does come with a foil wrapped anchor that is reusable, recyclable, and able to be brought into our shop for proper disposal. 
    3. This design comes inflated at pickup or delivery (delivery recommended).
    4. This design is recommended for indoor use only for best lasting condition.

    How To Order: 1) Add to cart; 2) choose pickup or delivery, then your date and time; 3) check out and enjoy.

    Have A Question? Unsure what a word means? See our Glossary for an index of industry terminology or FAQ Page for more information.

    • In stock
    • Inventory on the way
    Regular price$45.00

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